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EPF has members in 25 countries. The EU wood panel industry has a turnover of about 22 billion euro every year, creates over 100,000 jobs directly and counts more than 5,000 enterprises in Europe. Furthermore, every job in the wood-panel industry generates a multiple of jobs in the downstream user sectors such as the further processing companies and the users in the building, furniture and packaging industries, which have a strong SME character. For more info, p.
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McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University.
Ndash; SRG has moved to new offices. Ndash; Registration is open and early info is here. Meanwhile, send us your ideas for topics and focus. Ndash; principles and guidelines to protect the trust, independence, and accountability of local public media organizations. Ndash; planning the path to wider use and deeper value for public radio.
Univ of Illinois at Urbana, USA. Univ College Dublin, Ireland. Vertical Systems Inc, USA. Building Secure System of Systems. The group is also actively involved in projects related to large-scale data-analytics.